Saunders Published in March/April 2012 Edition of The Pennsylvania Lawyer
The Pennsylvania Lawyer magazine, the bi-monthly publication of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, has released an issue entitled, “Special Report on the Impact of Pennsylvania’s Natural Gas Boom” which includes an article by Steve Saunders, “Weighing the Risks and Rewards – The Impact of Leases and Natural Gas Development on Real Estate Transfers in Pennsylvania” in which he explores the intended and unintended consequences of developing the oil and gas found in Pennsylvania’s vast natural gas deposits. Now that the leasing craze in Pennsylvania has peaked and low natural gas prices are here for the foreseeable future, the focus of lessees has shifted to the type of activities that will insure the continuation of leases in their exisitng portfolios. Saunders explores the challenges that lawyers will face when clients present plans to buy or sell land in the Marcellus Shale region.
The Pennsylvania Lawyer magazine has a circulation of nearly 30,000 and is distributed to all members of the Pennsylvania bar including private practice and government attorneys, judges and law school professors.